Getting Started
CRM+ comes with a Rest like API available over HTTP. It provides an easier way to integrate CRM+ with an external software system. The API is suitable for automated tools to build upon, as well as supporting some ad-hoc scripting use cases. | | We highly recommend you to use HTTPS!
URL Format
(http|https)://[url-to-crmplus]/webservice.php? [operation-specific-parameters]
Output Format
CRM+ API return well styled JSON.
JSON responses are encoded using UTF-8 and use content type apllication/json.
[ ... valid JSON ... ]
Responses will be gzip compressed by the server if the HTTP Accept-Encoding request header is set to gzip. This may save network transfer time for larger responses.
ID Format
Record IDs are in the format [ModuleID]x[RecordID]. The ModuleID can be obtained from the result of a describe or listtypes call. The field in the result is named idPrefix.
Response Format
Response if the request performed successfully:
"success": true,
"result": {" ... includes data encoded as JSON object... "}
Response if occurred errors while performing the request:
"success": false,
"code": "...",
"message": "..."